The COVID-19 global pandemic has clearly changed the way we live, and many experts are predicting some of the changes may be permanent.
Social distancing, hand hygiene and masks are just the most obvious manifestations of the pandemic’s effect. Remote working, remote learning and the use of videoconferencing for everything from medical appointments to legal trials may well become more the norm rather than the exception for however long the impacts of the disease last.
What we’ve done
At BPC Lawyers we were quick to adopt a COVID-19-safe working environment based on the advice and guidance of state and federal health authorities.
Practically speaking, this meant conducting most of our current matters remotely via Zoom conferences and as much as possible avoiding in-person attendance by having clients electronically sign and return important legal documents.
In our office, we have ensured that distancing, hand hygiene and other essential protocols to prevent any potential for the spread of the disease have been employed to protect those for whom it’s essential they attend a meeting in person.
We have quickly absorbed and adapted to the COVID-19-related practice notes issued by the various courts in order to keep our clients’ matters moving through the legal process.
By responding quickly, BPC Lawyers has been able to avoid lengthy and unnecessary delays in progressing matters for our clients.
Personal injury compensation specialists
One of the consequences of the pandemic is the confirmation that we now live in a far more connected world and that – thanks to technology – you can access expert legal advice wherever you live in Australia.
Our experience during the COVID-19 period successfully representing clients who we’ve only met via Zoom is, we believe, not a temporary development. Instead, it means that wherever you live, you can avail yourself of the expertise of award-winning compensation lawyers.
The history and foundation of our practice are in personal injury. We have represented thousands and thousands of people in NSW and elsewhere in claims for compensation arising from injury, whether it’s sustained at work, in a motor vehicle accident, a slip in a public place or other circumstances.
Using Personal injury compensation specialist lawyers in these situations can save you time, money and stress, and greatly increase the chances your claim for compensation will be successful. People who live in regional areas outside the big cities don’t always have access to legal professionals with expert knowledge of a particular area of the law such as personal injury. But wherever you’re located in Australia, you can contact BPC Lawyers in this time of social distancing and travel restrictions for an initial video conference about your personal injury matter and receive legal advice from compensation specialists.
Call your Best Compensation Injury Lawyers on (02) 8280 6900 or fill in our free case appraisal form here and we’ll promptly respond in order to discuss your case.